We Own Nothing
Stewardship, as it’s usually taught, has to do with the management of money. The teaching is that God owns our money, and as stewards of God’s money, it’s our duty to manage it well. While I agree it’s our duty to manage our money well, I would like to take the concept of stewardship much further, beyond money, and say that that stewardship is the management of anything God has given to us, including this planet. Everything on this planet belongs to God. We didn’t put anything here, and we can’t take anything away from here. All that we have on this planet was here before we were born, and will remain here after we die. We therefore own NOTHING, and thus are only beneficiaries of what has been placed here by God, while we are here. We aren’t the original owners of this planet, however as stewards, we are managers of the resources on this planet, and with that comes certain benefits and responsibilities, which determine whether we are good managers or bad managers.
The Steward as a CEO
As noted before, a steward is a manager. As stewards of this planet, mankind has been given the responsibility and duty to be the CEO of this planet to manage, care for, and sustain it. Our CEO mandate is found in Genesis 1:28.
“And God blessed them [mankind], and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”
We are to be fruitful and multiply, which is to create abundance, as well as to replenish the earth. To replenish something means to replace or restore what we have used up, so that the resources do not become depleted. For example, if we cut down trees to make firewood, and those trees aren’t replaced, eventually we will run out of trees to make firewood, paper, or homes, because the supply of trees has been depleted. It makes sense therefore for us to replenish the supply of trees if we want to continue getting products made from trees. This ties in directly with our personal wealth as well. If resources are being used up and not replenished, eventually we will run out of those resources we depend upon for our livelihood, and go out of business. Mass extinction of plants and animals does us no good, as it threatens our livelihood, and life in general. Right now plastics in the seas and oceans are a big threat to sea life, and the entire ecological balance in the seas and oceans. This negatively affects the livelihood of fishermen, as well as those who depend on the seas and oceans for a living and enjoyment – sailing, kayaking, cruising, snorkeling, sight-seeing, and so forth. Those are multi-billion dollar industries which will go down, if our seas and oceans start to stink from rotting fish and pollution. Like any good CEO, we must therefore take care of our planet, and everything in it, including the plants and animals, and create a hospitable ‘work environment’ for all the living creatures who share this planet with us.
Climate Change and Global Warming – Science or Hype?
Recent talks about climate change, led by child activist Greta Thunberg, has given us an opportunity to talk about the negative impact mankind has had our planet, and what we can do about it. While pollution and mass extinction of species are included in the climate change debate, the real thrust of the debate seems to center around the production of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, from fossil fuels, threatening the climate-balance of this planet. According to climate change activists, the burning of fossil fuels leads to the production of carbon dioxide, which in turns causes global warming, which causes climate change. Consequently, there is a pressing urgency, almost a panic, to do all we can to stop the production and use of fossil fuels, as well as anything else which produces greenhouse gases, such as methane gas emissions from cattle. Both fossil fuels and cows are blamed for increased greenhouse gases, global warming and climate change. Global warming and climate change has been blamed for extremes in weather, melting polar ice caps, and mass extinction of species. According to Greta Thunberg, we are losing 200 species per day, in mass extinction, due to climate change. She also blames climate change on the cutting down of forests, at the rate of 30 football pitches per minute. The solution, according to climate change activists, is to stop using fossil fuels, plant more trees, and stop eating meat and dairy. You can watch Greta’s climate change campaign – Protect,Restore, and Fund – here.
Whether or not we believe cow farts are responsible for major earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and entire extinction of species, that not should stop us from realizing that taking care of all living creatures on this planet is important for sustainable living on this planet. This is the one planet we have. This is our home, which we will pass on from generation to generation.
“One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever” (Ecclesiastes 1:4)
Stewardship of Our Planet Is Also A Moral Issue
Yes, this Earth is our home, but as Christians we also believe that eventually this Earth will pass away and be replaced by a new Earth. As stewards and CEOs of this planet, we should want to be faithful in our management of the planet God has given us, before God re-creates the earth in renewed abundance. Believe it or not, but we humans will have to give an account as “they that use this world, as not abusing it, for the fashion of this world passeth away” (1 Corinthians 7:31). If we have not been faithful in what God has given us now, then why do we expect God to reward us with more abundance in the new Earth or heaven? It seems like our heavenly rewards depend partly on how we take care of what we have now on earth. Jesus said, “And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?” Additionally, in the book of Revelation, we find the stern warning:
“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).
With all of that in mind, stewardship of this planet is not just the right thing to do, but the moral thing to do, for survival on this planet.
Sustain Our Planet Through the Divine Laws of Abundance
I believe we can sustain our planet, as good stewards, by applying the divine laws of abundance to nature, for a self-sustaining planet. If we take a look at how God created nature to sustain itself, we can observe patterns which we can apply, when we interact with nature. The Divine laws of abundance in nature are more fully explained in my book, Out Of Financial Hell: A Journey into Divine Abundance, and are as follows:- the Law of Replenishing Abundance, the Law of Reciprocal Abundance, and the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.
The Law of Replenishing Abundance
One way in which nature sustains itself is through the law of replenishing abundance. In the law of replenishing abundance, nature replaces/restores that which is used or removed, as long as the source of replenishment is not destroyed. When we cut grass, it grows back, and when we prune a tree, new leaves and branches grow back, as long as we do not destroy the plants from the root. When we cut our hair, it grows back, as long as we do not destroy our hair follicles. It’s built into nature to renew itself when any part is missing or removed. Even the cells of our bodies regenerate anew when old cells die off. This ensures the continued viability of the organism throughout its life span, and is a form of self-perpetuation. We can apply this principle when we interact with nature by using things without destroying them, and replacing what we use. Additionally, if something in nature is a source of wealth for us, it makes perfect sense not to destroy your source of wealth by abusing it. It’s the proverbial goose which lays the golden egg. If you want to continue getting the golden eggs of nature, then don’t destroy the source of your natural resources. By applying this principle, we are ensuring the sustainability of nature through self-perpetuation.
The Law of Reciprocal Abundance
In the law of reciprocity or reciprocal abundance, nature gives back to you much more than what you put in. If you plant a seed, you get a plant bearing multiple seeds. The more you put in the more you get back. It’s an investment which pays multiple-fold. When interacting with nature, our actions should therefore cause nature to thrive, and produce abundantly. It should cause things to reproduce themselves instead of going extinct. Doing things which cause extinction and depletion of resources is therefore a no-go, while doing things which cause everything to flourish in abundance should be the goal.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is a fancy way of saying that nothing is ever lost. Whatever exists in nature now is transformed into another form when used. It’s the circle of life, where everything is recycled. A cow eats grass, and that grass is transformed into nutrients for the cow, and the rest is passed out as waste, which provides nutrients for the grass. If we understand how nature recycles everything so that nothing is wasted or lost, then when we interact with nature, we should do the same – recycle, re-purpose, reuse. Keep things out of the ecosystem which do not belong there, and find alternative uses for them. Everything has a purpose under the sun, so let us find their purpose, and keep everything in balance, for a long, prosperous life on planet Earth.
For more information on how you can be a better steward of God’s resources on this planet, including money, please read my book, “Out of Financial Hell: A Journey into Divine Abundance.”
This is powerful!
Thank you! I’m glad you liked it.
My objection to the environmental movement is not a denial of the need to keep clean. I dont like the use of chemicals in our food supply, but neither do i like the consequences of not using them. I’ve been to Mexico several times and i sure don’t want our country to look like that. Its downright filthy in places. Other places are even worse. Nope im not intrested in living like that.
But blaming America for the filth found outside of our land is silly. It is no more than an attempted power grab, and om not going to allow those yahoos any more power than i have to. This is the basis of my objection to the movement.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Quite a lot of content!
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