Life Coaching

Life Coaching is available to those who would like to learn how to apply the principles of DAWES - Debt Relief, Abundance, Wholeness, Enjoyment, and Success - in their lives, through private, online personal coaching.   The abundance and prosperity coaching program is a 5-week program designed especially for those struggling with debt, and will teach you how to tap into the spiritual laws for debt relief and prosperity.







Spiritual Counseling

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, but many times we go through periods of spiritual stress and distress, where we lose our joy.   Spiritual counseling helps to restore the joy of life by removing negative assignments over your life which keep you in spiritual bondage.  Things such as spiritual attacks, soul-ties, spiritual oppression, generational curses, and toxic religion are all things which can keep you joyless and throw you into spiritual depression, without relief.   Spiritual counseling will help to remove the spiritual toxicity out of your life, so you can enjoy life in abundance.

Online Support Group

A free online support group is available to all  on Facebook, for those interested in or are going through financial troubles, to get emotional and spiritual support in their journey out of financial hell, and into Divine abundance.


To assist you along your journey out of financial hell, and into Divine Abundance of debt relief, abundance, wholeness, enjoyment, and success.

Out of Financial Hell:  A Journey into Divine Abundance


Surviving a Global Economic Crisis:  A Biblical Perspective


Debt Relief





Take Action

Make a change in your life today and take action.   Purchase books, get coaching, join the support group, or contact me on my website.